Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Professional Blessings

Sarah and I are constantly in and out of Fedex/Kinkos printing promotional materials for King’s Daughters. We have become friends with the employees and wanted to honor the manager John on his birthday!
Years ago the Lord showed me a way to bless others: find out their dream menu and make it! I am always more motivated knowing I’m making what their heart desires.
When we called John to see if we could bring him lunch on his birthday, he of course said you don’t have to do it... we said of course we do! So I asked him to choose the cuisine. He chose Italian. I asked him to choose the kind of entrée. He said fettuccini pasta. Then I found out his favorite toppings.

So I sautéed a chicken, sundried tomatoes, broccoli and pine nuts and placed it on a bed of fettuccini (hee hee - I counted 43 pine nuts to match his age!). I included a brownie with number candles and we were off to Fed Ex. We walked in singing “Happy Birthday” – it was fun to cause a scene over John…a few customers even joined in the song! John appreciated his home cooked, customized meal.

Have you thanked your vendors, co-workers, or employees lately? No matter how busy your days are, try to think of little ways that you can appreciate the work they do for you. It could be a customized meal, a card, a sweet treat, or a word of affirmation. Of course I thank the Lord for the idea. Every blessing we share with another originates in His heart and then through ours!! 

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