Tuesday, January 31, 2012

No more bad days....

© Sarah Johnson, 2012

This morning I wrote in my journal, "Lord, I feel like I'm in a funk..." I scribbled down a few complaints and tried to put into words why I wasn't feeling 100%. This was not helping the situation. I decided to get out of my pity party (not to mention, practice what I preach in our Bible Study) and start writing, "God I thank you for...." followed by everything the Lord has done for me lately.

God, I thank you for waking me up this morning.
God, I thank you for speaking through me at the Mother-Daughter Tea on Sunday.
God, I thank you for my wonderful Christian friends here in Dallas.
God, I thank you for giving me music to play and record.

I IMMEDIATELY noticed a change in my spirit. I honestly felt like a new Sarah Johnson after only a few, "God, I thank you for...." sentences. I realized my "funk" wasn't because I was tired, insecure, or doubtful. It was because I was ungrateful. Instead of focusing on the countless things God is doing in my life, I was focusing on ME; my problems, my wants, my selfishness. The devil had me exactly where he wanted me. Well, sorry 'boutcha, Satan. This girl is not going to dwell in ungratefulness a second longer. 

"Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father 
in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ," Ephesians 5:20

King's Daughter, when was the last time you thanked the Lord? If you are reading this right now, you can already thank Him that you 1.) have an education and learned to read 2.) have eye-sight 3.) either can afford a computer (or phone) or have access to technology 4.) have freedom to learn God's Scripture (I probably could think of more, but you get the picture). King's daughter, each second of your day is an opportunity to thank The King. I encourage you the next time you have a bad day, feel discouraged, or experience a "funk" like I did this morning: write out a "God, I thank you for..." list. Ask the Lord to reveal all the wonderful things He has done for you and thank Him. Thank Him in faith for things He has laid on your heart but haven't happened yet (Hebrews 11:1). Thank Him that you are breathing. Thank Him for what He is doing in other's people's lives. Just thank Him. 

God promises thanksgiving will transform your heart.
"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:4-7

God has never broken and will never break a promise. He promises that as you lay down your anxiety and lift up prayers of thanksgiving, He will give you a peace that transcends all understanding. Sounds like bad days are gone for good....

p.s. read the Psalms if you want some "thanksgiving inspiration"

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