Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Never Forget What the Lord has Done!

"Nevertheless He saved them for His name’s sake,
That He might make His mighty power known.
He rebuked the Red Sea also, and it dried up;
So He led them through the depths, As through the wilderness.
He saved them from the hand of him who hated them,
And redeemed them from the hand of the enemy.
The waters covered their enemies;
There was not one of them left.
Then they believed His words;
They sang His praise.
They soon forgot His works."
Psalm 106:8-13

I don't know about you, but if God parted a huge sea right in front of me I would probably think, "Wow, I am never going to forget this!" The Israelites probably felt the same way when the Lord parted the Red Sea. Millions were escaping Egypt when Pharaoh sent his army to capture them and take them back to slavery. The Lord led His people to the Red Sea and lo and behold the He parted the waters so they could escape safely! 

The Prince of Egypt. Dir. Brenda Chapman, Steve Hickner, Simon Wells. Perf. Val Kilmer. DreamWorks, 1998. Film

What an incredible act of power! At the time, the Israelites sang praises and worshiped the Lord. Then, they began to walk in the dessert towards the Promised Land and their whole attitude changed. They began to grumble. They began to doubt. They even said, "we should go back to Egypt." - which meant going back to slavery (Numbers 14).

They forgot what the Lord had done.

King's Daughter, the Lord has done and is doing countless things in your life. Whether big or small, each day He is revealing His power in some way, shape or form. I urge you to take some time and write down 3 (or more!) things you have seen the Lord do in your life. Remember a time He provided, guided, blessed, or gave you comfort. Remember a time when you felt His presence or even the moment you became a believer! Whenever you are faced with doubts, trials, or struggles, use your list to REMEMBER what the Lord has done and don't loose heart. God never changes: He is a good and loving God when He sends blessings and displays His power and He is a good and loving God when you are going through even the worst hardships. Remember His faithfulness when He parts your sea and remember His faithfulness in the dessert.

"Remember His marvelous works which He has done,
His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth," Psalm 105:5

Read the whole story of the Israelites escaping Egypt in Exodus or Numbers!

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