Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Celebrate ALL Things!

  © Sarah Johnson

Celebrate The King: praise His majestic name at all times! (Psalm 34:1)
Celebrate Trials: they bring you closer to the Lord (James 1:2-4)
Celebrate Blessings: they allow you to give glory to God (
Celebrate Weaknesses: they allow The King to be strong for you (2 Corinthians 12:9)
Celebrate Prosperity: it allows you to give to the Kingdom
Celebrate Financial Needs: they cause you to rely on God and see Him as Provider (Genesis 22:14)
Celebrate Persecution: it's a sign you're doing powerful things for the Kingdom 
                                           (Satan doesn't attack people who aren't on mission for Christ)
Celebrate Illness: by faith, it allows you to see Christ as Healer
Celebrate Health: and be active in spreading the gospel and encouraging the saints
Celebrate Correction: iron sharpening iron to sanctify and correct
Celebrate Surprises: they prove you are not in control
Celebrate Rest: in the stillness, you find God

No matter the situation, no matter the problem, no matter the discouragement, no matter the attack, praise the Lord at all times. Celebrate His goodness, His power, and His majesty! If you feel like there is nothing to celebrate, read the Psalms to yourself and ask the Lord for a heart of praise. 
There is ALWAYS something to celebrate in the Lord.

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