Tuesday, March 5, 2013

After-School Fun with King's Daughters


High School Mother's Coffee, Daytime Art & Gift Show, Jr. High Mother-Daughter Tea

Amy Weber opened her home for a full day of encouraging women about the King's heart for His daughters. We spoke to High School Moms in the morning and Jr. High School Moms and Daughters in the afternoon. In between events, we mixed in an Art & Gift show to sell all of our paintings, stationery, and prints.

"Thanking God for you girls and praising Him for all the work He did through you!!" - Amy Weber

King's Daughters at Reconciliation Outreach

 Reconciliation Outreach provides housing, rehabilitation and Christian mentoring to homeless women. The women go through 1 year of the program, experiencing healing and ministry! Every week, Sarah goes through a chapter of Top Ten Gifts for a King's Daughter and sings the coordinating song. We were so happy to donate 14 copies of the book to the incredible women of Reconciliation Outreach.

Mother-Daughter Tea

Event Type: Mother-Daughter Tea
City: Dallas, TX
About the Group: Providence Christian School invited us share our KD Message with the 7th & 8th grade mothers and daughters. What a precious group of mothers and daughters! We were so excited to share with them! We added a King's Daughters "regal touch" from beginning to end with custom invitations, regal tablesettings, and favors. In the gorgeous Adolphus Hotel, we shared the King's heart to have a regal relationship with His daughters. We also set up a display of King's Daughters Art & Gifts. 

Never Failed Banana Bread

I'll admit I'm not a big baker (cooking is my forte) but this banana bread has NEVER failed me. I have been using this recipe for about 25 years now (hence the stains and notes) and it has always turned out delicious and moist! I hope you enjoy the bread as much as I do!

Mom Tip: Always let your kids help! Even the youngest kids can even just peel the banana. Also, since you are using fruit, talk about the fruits of the Spirit to add a little lesson to the fun!

 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." Galatians 5:22-23

Mediterranean Salad

"Regal Core Cooking" Mediterranean Salad Medley
Doesn't this make you want to eat the screen? We enjoyed this salad one day at lunch and want you to enjoy it too!!

"Regal Core Cooking" Mediterranean Salad Medley
Top Arugula and Mixed Greens with:
Brown Rice mixed with 2 tbsp. hummus
Grape Tomatoes
Chick Peas
Raw Purple Onions
Your Favorite Seasoning
Garnish with:
3 Steamed Carrots
3 Slices Avocado
Dollop of Pesto
Drizzle with Balsamic Vinaigrette or Italian Dressing
(p.s. we aren't too specific with measurements for a reason. Enjoy your own combinations without worrying about "doing it right." It's all to your personal taste!)

Ginnie Johnson has cooked "casual gourment" for her family for 27 years!
Ginnie & Sarah teach "Regal Core Cooking" classes in their Dallas headquarters. 
Sign up for "Regal Core Cooking" at kingsdaughterscelebrate@gmail.com 

Secret of the Cartwheel

O.K. I have a peculiar secret! I do cartwheels frequently to praise the Lord! Also during difficult times, it is the perfect way to stir up my faith and excite my spirit! It is a form of worship for me. I discovered this "move" when the Lord gave me this idea in 1996. If Jesus is in me, prompting me to do cartwheels, doesn’t this prove He is a fun God?! My three girls always get a kick out of it too. I have discovered they like their quirky, celebrative, kingdom cheerleader mom! (Even if they didn't like it, I'd still cartwheel to my heart's delight)

“You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; 
At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16:11

I did my cartwheel today because Sarah and I are doing a 7th and 8th Mother/Daughter Regal Tea at the gorgeous Adolphus Hotel in downtown Dallas (where I had my wedding reception 29 years ago!). We had just planned out all the details and I was so excited I said to Sarah, “I think I have to do a cartwheel.” She said, “HOOOLD ON, let me get this on film!

So there you have it. "Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice!" Phil. 4:4 
Cartwheels and all.

Father's H.E.A.R.T.

Dear King’s Daughter, 
Do you realize if you have 3 children you sign up for approximately 24 years of full time mothering? Whew! I remember one time I was a little weary as a mother. I sat with the King and did a “word study,” looking up all verses on containing the word “children.” I wanted to see God’s thoughts on children to refresh my own! I started reading Psalm 127 and was immediately ignited with His vision for my three daughters Elizabeth, Sarah and Caroline. Upon further study, I noticed the acronym H.E.A.R.T. in the verses (see image below). Children are a Heritage, Enjoyment, Arrow, Reward, and Testimony. I said to my Father, “Thank you for refueling me with your H.E.A.R.T. for my children. Thank you for filling me up with your everlasting love that I can pour into to my girls.” Psalm 127 gave me the Lord’s vision for the next 10 years of full-time mothering. Now, they are wonderful young adults!

I am overjoyed to pass it on to you. Go forth in your calling to raise the next generation. No more stress thinking motherhood is a burden: just pure joy in receiving The Father’s H.E.A.R.T. for His children He entrusted to you. 

Enjoy this artistic illustration of my Psalm 127 revelation:

© King's Daughters