Monday, January 23, 2012

Not Rejection but Redirection

My mom is all about the "trade ins" which means she takes a word and contrasts it with a similar sounding word with a totally different in meaning. One of my favorites is, "Honey, it's not rejection, it's redirection." I have always loved this "trade in" because it applies to so many things! I can look back on scenarios in my life and realize it wasn't rejection, it was God redirecting my steps into His perfect plan! And to take it one step further, it was also protection from being out of God's will.

Since I was "rejected" by news stations hiring reporters (my college goal), the Lord redirected me to work at King's Daughters, doing what I absolutely love.

When I was "rejected" by certain friend groups in college or high school, the Lord was protecting me from friendships centered around gossip, drinking, and exclusiveness.

When I was "rejected" from the A Team in Volleyball in 9th grade, the Lord redirected me to the B Team where I met some of my best high school friends.

When those boys "rejected" me, the Lord was protecting my heart. I learned not to find my worth in guys. I was saved from compromising my physical boundaries and the baggage of break-ups, drama, and wasted time.

Instead of moping with a "woe is me" mentality, if ... excuse me, when rejection comes your way (let's face it, every body is rejected some time or other) look at it as God redirecting you into His plan and protecting you from stepping out of His will for your life.

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
      Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD.
 “ For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
      So are My ways higher than your ways,
      And My thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9

His ways are higher. His thoughts are greater. Whenever you face rejection, know that the Lord has something in mind for your benefit and His glory.

Also keep in mind....
"He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:5
If Lord has placed something on your heart and you know it is His will, keep knocking on that door until the Lord opens it! My freshman year of high school, the Lord gave me a vision of being Student Council President. I ran for Student Council freshman year and didn't make it. Yet I firmly believed the Lord gave me the vision so I ran again the next year....and didn't make it again. A few days after the election, I got a call from the Student Council sponsor who said, "Sarah we created a new position and we want you to take it!" I signed on for Assistant Secretary my Junior Year and the next year, the Lord blessed me with the position of Student Council President. He made the vision become a reality. I learned from the rejection but did not let it stop me from doing what I knew the Lord had planned for my life. 

Just for fun, this is a pic of me holding HP's "Best High School" trophy my senior year

....oh the glory days (totally kidding... haha)

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